Arts and Architecture

Penn State cellist Kim Cook collaborates with renowned composer Paul Reale

Kim Cook is distinguished professor of cello in the Penn State School of Music.  Credit: Kim CookAll Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A collaboration between esteemed cellist and Penn State School of Music Distinguished Professor Kim Cook, pianist Chris Guzman, and the late composer Paul Reale has resulted in a recording of Reale's complete cello works. 

The journey began in 2016 when Reale, professor emeritus of composition at UCLA, reached out to Cook with a visionary proposal to record his complete cello repertoire for Naxos Records, encompassing two sonatas, various short pieces, and a solo cello composition. Recognizing the opportunity to embark on a profound musical endeavor, Cook graciously accepted the invitation and enlisted the talents of pianist Guzman to join her in bringing Reale's compositions to life. 

Under Reale's guidance, the trio meticulously crafted the recordings at Cleveland State University, leveraging its renowned recording facilities and optimal acoustics. The resulting album received widespread acclaim, culminating in a top five CD award for 2018 from Fanfare magazine, affirming the trio's artistry and Reale's compositional prowess. 

Following the success of the initial recording, Reale expressed a desire to further collaborate with Cook, leading to the creation of a cello concerto tailored specifically for her. Despite facing a terminal illness in 2019, Reale's dedication to his craft remained unwavering as he expeditiously completed the concerto and entrusted it to Cook. 

However, unforeseen challenges emerged with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, delaying the concerto's recording and release. Tragically, Reale passed away before witnessing the realization of his final masterpiece. 

Cook, alongside conductor William Boughton and the Yale Symphony, brought Reale's poignant concerto to fruition in a captivating performance and recording session in September 2022. According to Cook, their interpretation of Reale's work captures the essence of his musical legacy, serving as a testament to his enduring impact on contemporary classical composition. 

The recording of Reale's cello concerto, featuring Cook, William Boughton, and the Yale Symphony, is now available from Naxos Records.

Last Updated May 10, 2024
