Penn State University Park Large Group Visit Chaperone Agreement
Please plan to have all chaperones check in to the welcome desk (201 Shields Building) upon arrival to go over important details. Penn State Undergraduate Admissions staff will have copies of the above agreement available for each chaperone to sign.
Chaperone Agreement
All groups are required to have one chaperone per 10 students
Groups without the appropriate number of chaperones will not be permitted to go on tour. There should be, at a minimum, one chaperone per tour group.
Chaperones are required to participate in all event activities.
All chaperones attending the visit are required to be part of all visit aspects, including the information session, tour, and attending the meal within the dining commons (if applicable). No exceptions for any reason.
Chaperones are required to fully engage throughout the visit and set a good example for visiting students. Chaperones are expected to ensure student participation in the visit.
Penn State adheres to a strict 15-minute policy for event activities.
Penn State adheres to a strict 15-minute policy as outlined in scheduling communications. Groups arriving more than 15 minutes late to any portion of the visit may find that activity to be modified or cancelled, including complimentary meals (if applicable).
Electronic Device Policy
Groups are not permitted to use any electronic devices during a campus information session or tour.
Cancellation Policy
Penn State staff reserves the right to cancel a visit or portion of the visit for any reason; Penn State student tour guides reserve the right to end a tour at any point due to disruptive or inappropriate behavior from students or chaperones.
Private Group Registration Form Requirement
All groups are required to fill out their personalized Private Group Registration Form for ALL students attending the visit, and provide contact information for any chaperone attending, at least 2 weeks prior to the visit date. Late additions will need to be communicated and approved prior to the event date.
Discipline Requirement
Chaperones are responsible for any discipline needs of the group and are expected to handle students at all portions of the visit. Penn State staff and tour guides are not to be left alone with students at any point. Disruptive students are expected to be removed from the group setting by chaperones.
Should chaperones not remove disruptive students from the group setting, Penn State staff and/or tour guides reserve the right to remove a disruptive student from the presentation or tour, in which case a chaperone will need to be available to handle the issue and may result in cancellations of future group requests.
Housing and Food Services Requirements
Groups will follow directions and instructions of Penn State Housing and Food Services Staff while dining in any facility on campus. Groups are required to follow their guidelines and hours.
Photography and Video Agreement
While on campus, you authorize the use of photographs and video footage for promotional materials of both chaperones and students attending with your group.