
Accessibility Syllabus Statement links changed

Instructors are advised that the links used in the recommended Accessibility Syllabus Statement have been updated to reflect the reorganized content from the Student Disability Resources (formerly the Office for Disability Services) web pages.

As mandated by Penn State Faculty Senate Policy 43-00, any syllabus for a Penn State course must include a statement advising students with disabilities of their rights to accommodations and links to resources at Student Disability Resources.

If a course syllabus was based on an earlier version of the accessibility statement, links pointing to the former Office for Disability Services pages may no longer be functional. Therefore, it is recommended that instructors creating syllabi for their fall 2016 courses ensure that they are using the updated links listed on the Accessibility Syllabus Statement page.

Canvas version of Accessibility Syllabus Statement

A new feature of the Accessibility Syllabus Statement page is the addition of a version optimized for the Canvas learning management system. The Canvas version can be cut and pasted into a Canvas Page or any other tool with access to the rich content editor. All links will be functional, and if a student prints a syllabus, the web addresses (URLs) will be displayed after the link.

Questions about the revised Accessibility Syllabus Statement or any other facet of course accessibility can be sent to

Last Updated August 9, 2016
