
Alumni Association to host Volunteer Awards

Online event to recognize standout individuals, alumni groups

Penn Staters are invited to virtually attend the 2021 Volunteer Awards, hosted by the Penn State Alumni Association.  Credit: Penn State Alumni Association . All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK,, Pa. — Penn Staters are invited to virtually attend the 2021 Volunteer Awards, hosted by the Penn State Alumni Association.

The Alumni Association will recognize four individual honorees, made possible by generous endowments from alumni, and group recipients in eight categories, on Friday, Oct. 1. The event is set for 5:30 p.m. Interested individuals can register and learn more online.

These group awards highlight the important work of Penn State Alumni Association supporters impacting the world through grassroots volunteer activities like student financial support, career enrichment, alumni engagement and community service. Additionally, award recipients will be recognized for their individual service and support of the Penn State Alumni Association as recent graduates, longtime advocates, those making an impact on diverse audiences, as well as the Volunteer of the Year.

There are nearly 300 Alumni Association affiliate groups comprised of dedicated volunteers, and these groups unite Penn Staters through shared interests, academic colleges, campuses and geographic regions. Find a group near you that matches your affiliation to Penn State at

More information is available on the Alumni Association’s website for group Volunteer Awards and individual Volunteer Awards.

Last Updated September 21, 2021