Aimed at teens but fun for all, Penn State’s Big Black Glasses Tumblr blog nurtures interest in the joys of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
Popular with self-proclaimed geeks and nerds — who may or may not wear big, black glasses — the blog is followed by more than 51,500 Tumblr users worldwide in their own Tumblr dashboards. Beyond the dashboard followers, the Big Black Glasses Tumblr website itself was enjoyed by almost 2,500 new and 300 returning visitors in 2015.
Big Black Glasses delivers fun, boldly visual and engaging content, much of which is generated from the work of talented Penn Stater faculty and students working in STEM. Blog posts include “bad” science jokes, you-are-there/you-can-do-this close-ups of students and their research, Penn State discoveries, Science-U camp fun, and re-blogs of quirky and humorous curated content.
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