
Burlingame, Calderaro earn top MIT Supply Chain Excellence Awards

Karen Burlingame, left, and Alexandra Calderaro, both graduating seniors in the Penn State Smeal College of Business' supply chain and information systems major, have earned first place in the Supply Chain Excellence Award from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Credit: Photo by Andy Elder / Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Karen Burlingame and Alexandra Calderaro, both graduating seniors in the Penn State Smeal College of Business' supply chain and information systems major, have earned first place in the Supply Chain Excellence Award from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Nick Artman, Lauren Fellin, and Sarah Miller, all graduating seniors from Smeal’s supply chain program, were runners-up.

The MIT Supply Chain Excellence Award is granted to an outstanding graduating senior in supply chain at Penn State as a result of a partnership initiated between the two institutions in 2013. The award grants a tuition scholarship for the student’s use toward the MIT supply chain management master’s degree program.

After completing a minimum of two years of work, each student can apply to MIT’s master's program in supply chain management. Burlingame and Calderaro would each receive a $25,000 scholarship. Artman, Fellin, and Miller would each receive a $10,000 scholarship.

“We’ve always had a winner, but this year was unprecedented. This is the first time that all of our applicants won,” said Robert Novack, associate professor of business logistics.

Danny Yunes, a Smeal supply chain alumnus and graduate of MIT’s supply chain management program, visited the Business Building to present the students with their awards. Yunes is in the process of launching his own supply chain startup.

The MIT supply chain management program is a 10-month study program designed for early career supply chain professionals that includes coursework, a company-sponsored project, and international travel.

About supply chain at Penn State
Smeal’s No. 1 supply chain program offers a comprehensive suite of supply chain education, beginning at the undergraduate level with a bachelor’s degree in supply chain and information systems. In conjunction with Penn State's World Campus, students can earn a master of professional studies in supply chain management. The Penn State Smeal MBA Program offers a concentration in supply chain management, and the college also offers a doctorate in supply chain. Smeal’s Center for Supply Chain Research and Penn State Executive Programs offer certificate programs in supply chain management and supply chain leadership.

Last Updated May 9, 2017
