
Call for nominations for Penn State Faculty Outreach Awards

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Outreach and Online Education, in partnership with the Penn State Faculty Senate and the Student Engagement Network, invite faculty and staff to submit nominations for three University awards: The Faculty Outreach Award, Community Engagement and Scholarship Award, and the Emerging Faculty Outreach Award. The deadline for nominations is Dec. 21.

Recipients of each recognition will be honored at the annual University Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony on April 2, 2019.

Tracey Huston, vice president for Penn State Outreach, said the Faculty Outreach Awards are an excellent opportunity to recognize faculty members who are positively affecting Penn State initiatives.

“We invite nominations of individuals who are doing important and impactful work, and we are very happy to recognize and honor their efforts,” Huston said. “All three awards underscore Penn State’s deep commitment to outreach and engaged scholarship with its communities.”

Nominations can be submitted for the following:

— The Faculty Outreach Award, which recognizes faculty who have made significant contributions to engaged scholarship through outreach at Penn State.

— The Community Engagement and Scholarship Award, which recognizes outstanding Penn State engaged scholarship initiatives conducted in partnership with communities. The project selected as the winner of this award will go on to represent Penn State in the regional W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Award and the national C. Peter Magrath University Community Engagement Award competition sponsored by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.

— The Emerging Faculty Outreach Award, which recognizes early-career, tenure-track and nontenure-track faculty whose engaged scholarship work shows significant potential to influence societal issues on local, national or global levels.

Each nomination will be evaluated on its own merit; multiple submissions in each category are encouraged from any Penn State college or campus.

Visit Penn State Faculty Outreach Awards online for additional information and/or to submit a nomination.

The deadline for submissions is Dec. 21.

Last Updated October 3, 2018
