
Celebrate Penn State Lehigh Valley’s Commencement with #PSULVgrad

Graduates from right, Brian Scott Ferlino, Sandy Bautista De Leon, and Christopher Lee Boucher, acknowledge the crowd's applause at the Penn State Lehigh Valley commencement ceremony in May 2013. Credit: Dan Z. Johnson. All Rights Reserved.

Penn State Lehigh Valley is gearing up for commencement on May 9. The campus is once again using #psulvgrad on its Twitter, Instagram and Facebook platforms throughout the weeks leading up to commencement and during the May 9 event to celebrate the festivities.

Students, families and friends are invited to be a part of the commencement activities by tagging Instagram photos, Facebook posts and tweets with #psulvgrad. Select images and tweets will be featured on Penn State Lehigh Valley’s billboards throughout the area starting commencement weekend and continuing for three weeks. Besides commencement excitement, the social media content could feature summer internship plans, student success stories, alumni news, and more.

Follow the campus on Twitter (@PSULehighValley), Instagram (@PSULehighValley), and on Facebook.

Last Updated April 28, 2015
