Name: Roy B. Clariana
Title: Professor of Education
Department: Learning and Performance Systems
Phone: 814-865-1958
Office address: 301A Keller Building
Directory entry:
Clariana studies the role of lexical structure in memory and focuses on measurement approaches of structure in memory and in language artifacts. He developed and experimentally validated an algorithm and approach for researchers called “Analysis of Lexical Aggregates (ALA-Reader)” for representing expository texts and essays as network maps and has integrated the approach into a browser-based tool for teachers called “Graphical Interface of Knowledge Structure” version 1.0 (GIKS, In his recent NSF grant, “The Reading Brain: Brain Signatures of Science Text Comprehension (, the role of the lexical structure of expository texts on neural-processes while reading” were collected using eye-tracking during fMRI scans while reading sentence-by-sentence. Clariana previously was a high school math teacher in a rural U.S. school and was a U.S. Peace Corps biology teacher in Kenya. Since coming to Penn State in 1997, he has served as department head in two different departments, most recently in the Department of Learning and Performance Systems.