
Gonzalo named to 2017 class of Macy Faculty Scholars

HERSHEY, Pa. — Dr. Jed Gonzalo, assistant professor of medicine and public health sciences and associate dean of health systems education at Penn State College of Medicine, has been accepted into the 2017 class of Macy Faculty Scholars.

The Macy Faculty Scholars program, supported by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, selects five faculty leaders each year to help accelerate needed reforms in health professions education to accommodate the dramatic changes occurring in medical practice and health care delivery. Each scholar engages in activities to enhance his or her career as an educator, as well as pursues a mentored educational innovation project at his or her home institution. These projects deal with important themes spanning quality improvement, inter-professional education and practice, health equity and health systems science.

Gonzalo will receive salary support up to $100,000 per year over two years and will commit at least 50 percent of his time to pursuing education reform projects, like expanding the current health systems science curriculum for faculty to include inter-professional learners and educators in a “Health Systems Science Academy.” Gonzalo will also focus on creating a “Virtual Health Systems Science Academy” where educational strategies and materials like videos, small-group exercises, resources, and instructional methods can be shared to benefit health professions schools, residency and faculty development programs.

“This will be a great opportunity to work with and learn from some of the premier educators in the country,” said Gonzalo. “Perhaps most importantly, this work has the opportunity to continue Penn State’s tradition in leading change and preparing systems-ready providers on a national stage, all with the goal of improving the lives of our patients.”

Last Updated June 28, 2017
