
Inspirational student stories put spotlight on College of Medicine Class of 2013

College of Medicine graduate and central Pennsylvania native Meagan Horst listened to the keynote speaker prior to giving the medical student address at Commencement 2013. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Lt. Col. Guy Moon is a full-time active duty officer with the Nebraska Army National Guard who completed part of his homeland security degree while on a deployment in Afghanistan.

Meagan Horst is a young woman from central Pennsylvania who lost her father to non-Hodgkins lymphoma when she was 14, an experience that compelled her toward a career in medicine.

Elom Amoussou-Kpeto is an international student for whom a desire to improve health in his West African community drove him to the United States, where he parked cars to earn his way through college and medical school.

These three students were among the more than 200 who earned medical or graduate degrees from Penn State College of Medicine this past weekend.

Read more about their stories on Penn State Medicine online.

Last Updated May 21, 2013
