
Internships, study abroad solidify professional path for Paterno Fellow alumna

Jule Walsh (2016, history, anthropology, political science) used her internships and study abroad experiences as a Paterno Fellow to solidify her decision to attend law school after graduation - another example of how the Paterno Fellows Program supports students as they seek to advance their professional ambitions while working in service of something larger than themselves. Credit: Heidi Lynne. All Rights Reserved.

Since 2008, the Paterno Fellows Program—offered by the Penn State College of the Liberal Arts—has been challenging students to reach their highest levels of academic achievement and distinguish themselves in areas traditionally associated with the liberal arts: ethics, service, and leadership; excellence in communication; and intercultural awareness.  The honors experience extends beyond the classroom by offering enriching internship, study abroad, and research opportunities; it is also one of the only pathways at Penn State for students not initially admitted as honors students to demonstrate their potential and earn their way into the Schreyer Honors College.

Jule Walsh (2016, history, anthropology, political science) used her internships and study abroad experiences as a Paterno Fellow to solidify her decision to attend law school after graduation. Jule’s story is another example of how the Paterno Fellows Program supports students as they seek to advance their professional ambitions while working in service of something larger than themselves. Visit the Paterno Fellows Program website at to read more stories and learn more about the program.

It really is amazing how much trips and other life experiences can really shape what paths we choose to travel.

Walsh is living proof of that. She entered Penn State as a history major already knowing that she wanted to go to law school after graduation. “I grew up going to colonial Williamsburg with my family pretty much every summer,” Jule said—about a week after the latest family trip there, coincidentally. “I always enjoyed the historic aspect of being there, which really helped shape my interest in history as a major.”

Adding anthropology as a major once she was here seemed like a natural progression, Jule recalled. Whereas history allowed her to study past events, “anthropology gave me the chance to study what shapes the way we are as a culture.”  The reason for adding the political science major, meanwhile, was simple: “I’ve always been interested in learning more about the inner workings of government,” she admited.

As a Paterno Fellow, Jule had the chance to explore her interest in government even further as an intern for U.S. Senator Robert Casey. “I really enjoyed learning about the legislation and the process behind it,” Jule said. “Now when I see or hear what’s going on in Congress, I have a better perspective on what’s going on behind closed doors.”

Being a Paterno Fellow also gave Jule the opportunity to spend six weeks in Sri Lanka interning for the Malini Foundation—a nonprofit dedicated to providing a healthy, sustainable living environment for impoverished girls in that country. “I always wanted to learn more about nonprofits and how they operated, but not necessarily in a way it would normally be taught,” she said. “Having the opportunity to travel to Sri Lanka was amazing.”

While Jule had already been accepted into the Schreyer Honors College before starting classes, it wasn’t until she set foot on campus that she learned of the Paterno Fellows Program. As soon as she heard it about the program, however, she knew she wanted to apply. “I thought the program would challenge me to do things that I’m not sure I would have necessarily done otherwise,” she admits.

In addition to the internship and study abroad experience—as well as another internship with Schreyer Honors College Career Services—Jule says the Paterno Fellows Program always offered a host of workshops and speakers series, along with opportunities to network with “amazing professors and alumni.”

Jule realizes that the requirements needed to graduate as a Paterno Fellow were meant to challenge students; but, she also understands and appreciates why those requirements were selected. “I definitely feel as though being a Paterno Fellow has given me a leg up on other students going into law school,” she said.

As she begins her first year as a law student at the University of Pennsylvania, Jule has one message to share with those thinking of becoming a Paterno Fellow: Do it. “Take advantage of the opportunities being a Paterno Fellow gives you, because there are so many opportunities to take advantage of,” she said. “To pass them by would be a shame.”

She is also grateful to the alumni and friends who help support the program. “I would never have been able to do an unpaid internship or study abroad if not for the support that made it possible,” she says. “I can never thank them enough.”


Last Updated October 2, 2016
