Johnathon Koglin, a nuclear engineering doctoral cadidate, was chosen for the Livermore Graduate Scholar Program (formerly the Lawrence Fellowship Program). The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California runs the Livermore Graduate Scholar Program, which grants appointments to top doctoral students to conduct research in the LLNL for up to four years while completing their thesis.
Koglin has been working closely with a group at LLNL while at Penn State and being advised by Igor Jovanovic, professor of nuclear engineering. As part of the LLNL Academic Collaboration Program, he has been working on a project that will allow accurate measurements of cross sections of short-lived nuclides. This work is of significant interest for nuclear physics theory as well as next-generation fuel cycles and the understanding of nuclear processes occurring in stars.
Under the Livermore Graduate Scholar Program, Koglin will be an employee of LLNL and will work with a laboratory technical adviser. The program will give him the opportunity to attend meetings and conferences on behalf of LLNL. In addition, Koglin noted the program will allow him to collaborate with international laboratory partners and travel to the various experiment sites, such as the 88 inch cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M University.
Koglin, who has an interest in working at LLNL when he completes his doctoral degree, will start on July 1. The Livermore Graduate Scholar Program plays a critical role in recruiting new scientific and engineering talent to LLNL.