
Lecture to focus on the responsibility that comes with access to ‘big data’

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- The mining of “big data” -- the massive, inter-related databases now available to public and private organizations -- has opened seemingly unlimited opportunities for advertisers, marketers, journalists and researchers. But how do communicators and corporations use that data thoughtfully, responsibly and with sensitivity to concerns about privacy and over-reach?

Stephen Loudermilk, an expert on the topic, will address those issues and more during a free public lecture that begins at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 27, in Kern Auditorium on the University Park campus.

During the annual Don Davis Lecture in Advertising Ethics, titled “Big Data -- Big Responsibilities,” Loudermilk will discuss current and emerging issues with the use of big data, including corporate social responsibility and predictive analytics. Loudermilk, director of media and industry analyst relations for LexisNexis, will participate in a question-and-answer session after the lecture.

The lecture is presented by the Don Davis Program in Ethical Leadership, which strives to promote professional, academic and personal integrity within the community of the College of Communications at Penn State. The program has a special focus on the development of responsibility and integrity among undergraduates as part of their preparation to be the principled leaders of tomorrow’s media institutions.

Last Updated June 2, 2021