
MinorQuest helps students find academic minors that match their interests

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Penn State's Division of Undergraduate Studies launched a new online tool this summer to help students find academic minors that match their interests.

MinorQuest at guides students toward minors that focus on specific areas of study. The tool also reflects University Faculty Senate policy allowing students to complete any Penn State minor if they can successfully take the required courses without changing campus locations. Not only does MinorQuest help students find minors that match their interests, but because completing minors can involve hidden prerequisites, controlled courses and other considerations, the new tool additionally provides a checklist and worksheet to evaluate if and how a student can realistically complete a particular minor.When students use the new online tool, it prompts them to select one or more areas of interest from a menu reflecting what they would study in the minor. MinorQuest then sorts and filters Penn State’s more than 200 academic minors and lists those that incorporate all selected areas of interest. MinorQuest also offers a quick search feature to find particular minors by name.Once a student selects their interests or types the name of a minor, the resulting list includes minors at all campuses that meet the search criteria and links to each minor’s website, when available, as well as any special considerations to note.With tools like MinorQuest, students at any campus can access the critical information and resources they need to plan realistic goals and efficiently manage their progress toward them.The Division of Undergraduate Studies, a unit within the Office of Undergraduate Education, is one of Penn State’s largest units of enrollment for first-year students, leads the development of advising policies and practices, manages the University-wide academic information network and provides general academic advising for current and prospective Penn State students.

Last Updated May 12, 2016