Nine Penn State Lehigh Valley students recently completed the Leaders Emerging at Penn State Lehigh Valley (L.E.A.P.) course. L.E.A.P. allows students to develop and enhance their leadership abilities and helps foster leadership success within the Lehigh Valley campus community.
Penn State Lehigh Valley students enhance leadership abilities
L.E.A.P. is a noncredit biweekly 90-minute program held over six weeks. It is offered in the fall and spring semesters for any students who are eager to discover their leadership potential. The course is an interactive experience that is both educational and fun. It challenges students and grows their leadership skills.
“This was the first time Student Affairs has offered something like this. This program allowed us to reach out to our student body, at any point in their college career, and help them foster and develop their leadership skills and potential. The program also allowed us to reach out to students who are not currently in any leadership positions with our current clubs and orgs and provided them the necessary insight to be the leaders in our clubs and organizations in future semesters,” said Patrick Cassidy, coordinator of student affairs, Penn State Lehigh Valley.
The course is open to all students. Students must apply to be enrolled. Applications are available in Student Affairs or at the Involvement Fairs. The next L.E.A.P. course will be offered in the spring starting in February. For more information or questions, contact Patrick Cassidy at 610-285-5042 or at
- Cell Phone: 610-285-5018