MONT ALTO, Pa. — Eleven Penn State Mont Alto forest technology students joined forestry instructors Beth Brantley, Craig Houghton and Peter Linehan at the Allegheny Society of American Foresters Winter Meeting Feb. 18 in Baltimore, Maryland.Highlighting the day was the students’ participation in the annual Quiz Bowl, which tested their forestry knowledge against other participating schools. Colton Groff, Josh Hersl and Dominic Lenzi represented Penn State Mont Alto. They beat Allegany College of Maryland but later lost to the Penn State University Park team in the final round. Two University Park teammates are former Mont Alto students, Alex Storm and Seth Yoder.Throughout the day, the group attended discussions on the blending of traditional and urban forestry, heard speakers talk about forestry operations and how forest management can support industry, and considered forest product market trends and their effects on the forest industry in the Mid-Atlantic region.The faculty members received professional continuing education credits from the Society of American Foresters for their attendance and participation.
Penn State Mont Alto forestry students take second in Quiz Bowl
Forestry students attending the Allegheny Society of American Foresters Winter Meeting on Feb. 18 were, from left to right, Ryan Karroll, Ryan Varner, Josh Hersl, Tyler Amspacher, Austin Grove, Colton Groff, Cameron Murphy, Zachary Clemens, Dominic Lenzi, Swade Rotz and Kyle Williams. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons
Last Updated November 1, 2016