
Rock Ethics Institute seeks applicants to its Faculty Fellows Program

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Rock Ethics Institute (REI) is now accepting applications for its Faculty Fellowships for the 2020-21 academic year.

"Faculty across colleges and departments at Penn State are engaged in innovative research that tackles some of the most pressing ethical challenges today. Through its Faculty Fellowship program, the Rock Ethics Institute aims to advance these projects and provide additional support to Penn State researchers," Assistant Director of the Rock Ethics Institute Ben Jones said.

The Institute will be awarding two Faculty Fellowships. Each Fellow will be provided up to $10,000 in course buyout funds to compensate for a two-course release from teaching.

Faculty and established research scientists at all Penn State campuses are eligible to apply, either individually or as a team with one other faculty member.

The REI Faculty Fellowship program aims to encourage innovative approaches to ethics-related research across disciplines, to support interdisciplinary engagement and collaborations among faculty and to promote moral literacy and leadership across the University system.

The Rock Ethics Institute’s home is in the College of the Liberal Arts, and it is currently focused on ethics-related research in the areas of its primary initiatives: climate and sustainability ethics; critical philosophy of race; engineering, technology, and ethics; ethics and health; food innovation, ethics, leadership, development, and sustainability; gender and sex equity; moral sgency and moral development; and restorative justice.

Fred Fonseca, associate professor of information sciences and technology in the College of Information Sciences and Technology, and Alexandra Staub, professor of architecture in the Stuckeman School of Architecture, are REI Faculty Fellows for the 2019-20 academic year.

Fonseca is focusing on ethical challenges posed by big data and how to address them. Staub’s research focuses on ideas surrounding the ethics of the built environment, which draws on stakeholder theory and principled negotiation theory.

Applications are being accepted until Oct. 31. Successful applicants will be notified by Dec. 6.

For materials such as the application cover sheet and more information on the faculty fellows program and previously funded projects, visit

Direct any questions about the Faculty Fellowships or the application process to Ben Jones,

Last Updated October 16, 2019
