UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – The Penn State Smeal College of Business is now accepting applications for fall 2017 enrollment in its new Master of Professional Studies in Management and Organizational Leadership (MMOL), an accelerated master’s program designed primarily for recently graduated baccalaureate students from technical, nonbusiness backgrounds.
“Interest has been tremendous from potential students and potential employers,” said Brian Cameron, associate dean for professional graduate programs at Smeal and faculty director for the MMOL. “We see this program as an excellent bridge for technical students between their undergraduate experience and a career in business.”
The Management and Organizational Leadership Program is modeled after the first year of the internationally ranked Penn State Smeal MBA. It will feature the same faculty, core MBA course content, and a tight-knit environment with an emphasis on teamwork and collaboration.
During the two semesters of the 30-credit Management and Organizational Leadership Program, students will complete foundational business courses in areas such as accounting, finance, management, marketing, strategy, and supply chain management. Spanning both semesters will be the college’s highly lauded leadership communications program, a hallmark of the Penn State Smeal MBA that provides the tools to persuasively and professionally present ideas in a business context.
The capstone experience of the Management and Organizational Leadership Program will be a leadership immersion in May, where students gain hands-on exposure to on-location team-building challenges with partners like the United States Marine Corps and the Fire Department of New York. Other aspects of the program include dedicated career services and entry into Smeal’s global alumni network of more than 75,000.
“We expect demand to be great from a highly selective group of students,” said Admissions Director Mike Waldhier. “We encourage students to contact us at their earliest convenience to evaluate their fit for the program.”
More information about the program and an overview of the application process can be found online. Specific questions can be directed to or 814-863-0474.