The student research projects that won include:
Humanities, business, and social and behaviorial sciences
First Place: “Prescription Drug Use and Secondary Exposure among College Students: A Focus on Gender and Social Class," by Amanda Borges and Kirsten Mears. Faculty mentor: Jennifer Parker
Second Place: “Women in the 21st Century," by Kristen Abdouche. Faculty Mentor: Nichola Gutgold
Third Place: “United Airlines in Shambles,” by Kristen Abdouche. Faculty Mentor: Beth Michalec
First Place (tie): “Power of Rotor Blade versus Centroid Position,” by Connor Haney. Faculty Mentor: Tracey Carbonetto
First Place (tie): “The Potential of Coating Polyurethane with ‘Self-like’ Molecules to Reduce the Host Response to Implanted Medical Devices," by Sheherbano Hussain, Zoha Babar and Jimmy Hadid. Faculty Mentor: Jacqueline McLaughlin
Second Place: “Custom iPad Apps in IST," by Jacqueline Tran. Faculty Mentor: Jeffrey Stone
Third Place: “Variations in Airglow Temperature Influenced by the Increasing of CO2, Solar Cycle Variation and Geomagnetic Activity," by Michael Vanyo. Faculty Mentor: Tai-Yin Huang
Information literacy
First Place: “The Potential of Coating Polyurethane with ‘Self-like’ Molecules to Reduce the Host Response to Implanted Medical Devices," by Sheherbano Hussain, Zoha Babar and Jimmy Hadid. Faculty Mentor: Jacqueline McLaughlin
Second Place: “Variations in Airglow Temperature Influenced by the Increasing of CO2, Solar Cycle Variation and Geomagnetic Activity," by Michael Vanyo. Faculty Mentor: Tai-Yin Huang
Third Place: “Power of Rotor Blade versus Centroid Position," by Connor Haney. Faculty Mentor: Tracey Carbonetto
The winners will present their work at the annual Penn State Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium, which will be held this year at Penn State Abington on April 21.