His lessons include implementing a “four-corners” debate on paying college athletes, designing an assignment asking students to interpret historical photos on campus and structuring review sessions as competitive and innovative games.
Each semester, Linden teaches three courses of Kinesiology 141: Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Kinesiology, with about 30 students per course. Teaching tasks include holding office hours, grading, planning and conducting recitations and responding to students' emails.
Maher believes teachers can transform the ways students approach learning. “By listening to students, working to make complex concepts relatable, and yet holding high standards, educators can inspire students to engage in the pursuit of knowledge and embrace critical thinking.”
Maher has served as a teaching assistant for KINES: 197A: Biophysical Basics of Kinesiology and KINES 321: Psychology of Movement Behavior, lecture classes of more than 200 students. Her teaching duties include leading regular recitations or review sessions, holding office hours, developing quiz and exam questions, and providing feedback to students on course assignments.
Her research accomplishments include eight peer-reviewed publications and five more under review.
Moreau’s Student Rating of Teaching Effectiveness were the highest among his peers. One student said he was “always willing to help and very knowledgeable about the material.”
Moreau taught MICRO 107: Introduction to Microbiology Lab and MICRO 421W: Applied Microbiology Lab, each with about 40 students. His instructors noted he did this while assisting as a teaching assistant in several courses. A nominator described Moreau as quick to realize when his students struggled on a concept, and used his craft to clarify the material in general education science laboratory courses, which often have “tough audiences.”
Another nominator said Moreau “challenged his students with thought-provoking, critical-thinking questions during lectures to help students incorporate the newly learned material. In the lab, Moreau would frequently take new material and show by demonstration the protocol or technique the students were to learn that day.”
Conducting labs, creating, assigning and grading course materials, and developing trivia games and other activities were a few of Moreau's duties.
A nominator said Philbrook’s inviting teaching style allows students to actively engage in the learning process. She integrates review, assessment and activities in the course. Philbrook said the methods are part of a larger strategy to “prepare students for future life experiences and careers helping others.”
Philbrook taught two sessions of HDFS 229: Infant and Child Development and HDFS 312W: Empirical Inquiry in Human Development. In addition, Philbrook has been the teaching assistant “faculty frequently request,” said a nominator. “She is a talented teaching assistant who offers an ideal combination of compassion and academic rigor. She is highly skilled at reviewing course material with students while remaining empathetic with working with students who have missed classes. She is reliable, organized and thorough.”
In 2014, Pohly taught four sections of CMPSC 311, a systems programming course with about 75 students, and handled all duties of a course instructor, including preparing and delivering lectures, maintaining office hours and creating and grading all assignments and tests. He also acted as substitute lecturer for professors.
“The course was a tremendous success under Pohly’s leadership in part because of some of the innovations he brought,” including weekly laptop sessions and projects that allowed for immediate feedback, a nominator said.
Pohly said his teaching strategy takes issue with a belief that you can only effectively reach about 80 percent of your students. “That eighty-first student is not where teachability ends but where the creative challenge begins.” Truly effective teachers, said Pohly, have the skill to reach the first 80 percent and the creativity to reach the other 20 percent.
A nominator called Price a “dynamic” instructor who coerces students into being active participants. A student said Price “forced the class to really step outside of themselves and think and look at culture differently. Outside of class, I found myself analyzing culture and looking for ways to incorporate that in our discussion.”
Price taught AM ST 105: Popular Culture and Folklife and COMM 100: Mass Media and Society, both high enrollment courses of about 50 students. A nominator said Price uses his “vast knowledge of American cultural history” to guide his instruction.
Price's innovative techniques include his use of collaborative groups that make presentations on their discovery of the material, multimedia presentations and the use of artifacts to be studied in the classroom.