
College to purchase Gospel Hill Golf and Country Club

University Park, Pa. — Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, will purchase Gospel Hill Golf and Country Club Inc., 4415 Steimer Road, from owners Rebecca K. Kathman and Linda K. Milton. The Penn State Board of Trustees approved the purchase Friday (May 14).

“The golf course is a key piece of real estate near the Penn State Behrend campus,” said Jack Burke, chancellor. “This property offers us a greater range of options for long-term growth and in planning for future campus enhancement.” Penn State Behrend has no definitive plans for the property at this time.

The college will purchase the 118-acre public golf course, which includes several buildings that are currently used in its operation, at a cost of $1.185 million. As part of this agreement, Penn State Behrend will lease the property to Gospel Hill Golf and Country Club annually for its continued use as a public golf course in the interim.

The golf course is situated northeast of Penn State Behrend, and is bordered by Reese Road to the north and Hannon Road to the east.

Last Updated May 14, 2010
