
Employees traveling internationally after June 30 required to enroll in TSN

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Faculty and staff members are reminded that all Penn State-affiliated international travel leaving the United States after June 30 must be enrolled in the Travel Safety Network (TSN), as required by the University’s new international travel policy

The new policy mandates enrollment in the TSN for all trips leaving the country July 1 or later. After June 30, employees who do not enroll their international trip in the TSN before they leave the U.S. will not have their travel expenses reimbursed by the University.

Faculty and staff members who already began their international travel prior to July 1, and who did not enroll their trips in the TSN prior to leaving the country, will still be reimbursed for their travel expenses. Only trips that begin on or after July 1 are subject to the new policy.

The policy went into effect May 16 and serves to codify and formalize existing international travel guidelines for University employees and students. In addition to employees, all students are also required to enroll University-related international travel in the TSN prior to leaving the country.

To view the new policy in its entirety, visit

Last Updated June 27, 2016