
John Leone honored as Penn State’s Philanthropist of the Year

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Penn State has recognized John Leone, Penn State alumnus and longtime supporter, as its 2015 Philanthropist of the Year for the support that he and his late wife, Willie Leone, have offered to programs across the University. The award, which was officially presented to Leone in June, honors individuals, couples or families who have demonstrated exceptional generosity in the promotion and support of Penn State.

“Through his far-reaching support, John Leone is enabling the next generation of students to discover their own paths towards success, whether their passion lies in athletics, the arts, engineering or business,” said Rodney P. Kirsch, senior vice president for development and alumni relations. “No individual is more deserving of this honor.”

During For the Future: The Campaign for Penn State Students, which concluded on June 30, 2014, John and Willie Leone made significant gifts to the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Intercollegiate Athletics and the College of Arts and Architecture. These gifts built on three decades of giving to the University.

“John and Willie’s philanthropy was instrumental to our success in the campaign,” said Peter Tombros, chair of the recently completed For the Future campaign. “Their leadership gifts not only bolstered our progress at crucial and strategic moments, but they also inspired others to come forward and support Penn State with the same kind of whole-hearted generosity.”

A resident of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, John Leone is president and chief executive officer of Bonney Forge, an industry leader in manufacturing steel products and specially engineered products for the energy industries. He graduated in 1956 from Penn State's Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering program and earned an M.B.A. from Northern Illinois University in 1976.

“John has had an illustrious career in the energy industry,” said Penn State President Eric Barron. “His investment in so many areas at Penn State will ensure that our students and faculty can follow his extraordinary example of success.”

In 2010, the Leones endorsed Penn State’s Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering with the largest individual gift in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, to create such opportunities as a faculty chair, undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships.

The Leones’ far-reaching philanthropy has also benefited Penn State students in areas from athletics to the arts. In 2014, John Leone made a significant commitment to Intercollegiate Athletics to name the John and Willie Leone Family Strength and Conditioning Center in the Lasch Football Building and provide funding for the Penn State football program. He also made a commitment to enhance the Willie Leone Endowed Scholarship Fund in Music Theatre, created in 1998 for undergraduates majoring in musical theatre who are especially talented in the area of dance.

“The success I’ve achieved in my career is a result of the world-class education I received and the life-long connections I made at Penn State,” said John Leone. “It’s a joy to support a University with such ambitious students, dedicated faculty and staff and passionate alumni. There’s no other place like it in the world.”

John Leone has received numerous awards and honors from the University, including the Stahl Distinguished Achievement Award in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, the Earth and Mineral Sciences Centennial Fellow Award and the Penn State Alumni Fellow Award. A member of the University’s Elm Circle of the Mount Nittany Society, he served as the commencement speaker for the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences in 2012 and 2013.

Supporters like John Leone are invaluable partners in fulfilling the University’s land-grant mission of education, research and service. Private gifts from alumni, friends and corporate partners enrich the experiences of students both in and out of the classroom; expand the research and teaching capacity of our faculty; enhance the University's ability to recruit and retain top students and faculty; and help to ensure that students from every economic background have access to a Penn State education. The University's colleges and campuses are now enlisting the support of alumni and friends to advance a range of unit-specific initiatives.

Last Updated July 28, 2015