Penn State’s Office of Internal Audit is distributing a redesigned informational poster as part of continuing efforts to raise awareness of the University’s Ethics and Compliance Hotline. The posters are being made available through the University's human resources representative network and will be displayed in public areas of a unit, such as break rooms or lunch areas, where other employee announcements are posted. To request a printed copy, employees can contact their HR representative.
For a digital copy of the poster, click here.
Run confidentially through a third-party service, the hotline enables Penn State employees to report problems including financial matters such as fraud, theft and conflict of interest, and other violations of University policy such as research compliance matters, discrimination, athletics-compliance issues and more. To access the hotline call 800-560-1637 or visit online.
As a part of Penn State's ongoing commitment to the highest standard of ethical behavior among all in the community, the University makes this service available at all times to all employees who wish to raise questions or voice their concerns about workplace issues. Reports to the hotline, whether they are made by phone or online, can be anonymous so employees can help to maintain an ethical workplace without fear of retaliation. An independent third party, Compliance Concepts Inc., administers the hotline on behalf of Penn State.
The system allows an individual to follow up to determine what action has been taken with respect to a complaint through the use of passwords related to a specific complaint. This also allows the University to ask questions without having to directly contact the caller if the caller prefers to remain anonymous.
Employees also can report workplace concerns to their supervisors, human resources representatives, financial officers, compliance officers and senior management. For more information, visit online.