Agricultural Sciences

Beef cattle short course slated for second year by Penn State Extension

New this year, participants will be able to choose one of two tracks in the program following the keynote addresses. One track will be geared toward producers interested in grass-finishing cattle, while the second track will focus on participants who finish cattle conventionally, on grain.  Credit: Penn State Extension / Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Building on the successful Beef Cattle Short Course offered last autumn, Penn State Extension again will host a two-day educational course for beef producers at the University Park campus on Oct. 16 and 17.  

The event, which is supported by the Pennsylvania Beef Producers Working Group, will begin with an evaluation of live cattle by Ben Williamson, Penn State animal science instructor. In addition, there will be two keynote speakers from the University's College of Agricultural Sciences who will share perspectives on some of the current labeling challenges facing the beef industry.

New this year, participants will be able to choose one of two tracks in the program following the keynote addresses. 

One track will be geared toward producers interested in grass-finishing cattle, while the second track will focus on participants who finish cattle conventionally, on grain. Each of the three speakers in the separate groups will address nutrition and marketing items specific to the different finishing programs.

On day two, the class will move to the Penn State Meats Lab. Here, participants will see the cattle they evaluated live on day one hanging on the rail and fabricated under the direction of Jonathan Campbell, Penn State Extension meat science specialist.

Campbell will talk about the yield and quality of each animal and demonstrate breaking down the carcass.

Event cost is $25 per registrant, and participants should plan to attend the entirety of the course. Due to space constraints, registration is limited to the first 60 attendees. Participants will pay their own hotel expenses; organizers urge attendees to book rooms now, far in advance of the course.

The course will open with registration at 7:30 a.m. on Oct. 16 in the Snider Agricultural Arena. The event will end at 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 17. 

For a detailed agenda or to register for the event, visit the website or contact Penn State Extension at 877-345-0691.

Last Updated August 28, 2018
