A roundtable discussion will be held 2-2:50 p.m. March 16 in the Fireside Lounge of the Slep Student Center at Penn State Altoona. The topic is "Feminism on Campus – Response to the WSSA (Women's Studies Student Association) Banner project.
A showing of the film "The Invisible War" will take place in the Fireside Lounge of the Slep Student Center on March 17 at noon, followed by a forum on sexual assault in the military.
On March 19, the event "Can Feminists be Funny?” will be held 7-9 p.m. in the Fireside Lounge of Slep Student Center. A discussion on women in comedy will take place, and there will be a screening of the documentary "Women Aren't Funny."
The Women’s Studies Student Association will host a "Sex on Campus" event Tuesday, March 24, 3-7 p.m. in the Adler Athletic Complex.
Two films will be shown March 26. The first, a PBS Independent Lens documentary about race relations in the United States, "American Denial," will begin at 12:10 p.m. in 142 Hawthorn. "Obvious Child" will be shown at 7 p.m. in the Fireside Lounge of the Slep Student Center, followed by discussion.
The roundtable discussion "Do #BlackLivesMatter? Racism, White Privilege, and Systemic Oppression in the U.S." will take place Monday, March 30, at noon in the Titelman Study of the Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts.
All events are free and open to the public and are sponsored by Penn State Altoona's Women's Studies Program and the Women's Studies Student Association of Penn State Altoona.