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‘Conversations from Penn State’ discusses how society deals with whistleblowers

The book "Beautiful Souls: The Courage and Conscience of Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times" by author Eyal Press has been selected as the common text for the 2013-14 Penn State Reads program. Credit: Book jacket image provided by publisher; author photo by Todd France. All Rights Reserved.

University Park, Pa. – Journalist Eyal Press joins seasoned interviewer Patty Satalia on the next installment of "Conversations from Penn State" where the pair will discuss how humans cope with moral dilemmas and how society deals with “whistle blowing.”

The episode will air at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24, on WPSU-TV.  The show also can be viewed at online.

Press is an author and journalist based in New York. His work has appeared in the New York Review of Books, The New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic, The Nation, and the Raritan Review. He is the 2012 Bernard L. Schwartz fellow at the New American Foundation and a past recipient of the James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism.

Press is the author of “Beautiful Souls" which was chosen as the inaugural text for the new Penn State Reads program. The common reading program is a collaborative initiative for first-year University Park campus students, designed to provide a shared experience among new students. Press’ book was chosen for its broad approach to ethics and ethical decision-making.

"Conversations from Penn State," with Satalia at the helm, offers thoughtful, in-depth exchanges with a broad range of remarkable people. In many cases, their trailblazing work has advanced their field, drawing national and worldwide attention. 

Last Updated October 22, 2013
