Arts and Entertainment

Faculty member's award-winning film begins virtual screening for charity

Two-week run of 'The Turn Out' to raise awareness of United Nations Day of Trafficking in Persons

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UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A Penn State faculty member’s award-winning film begins a two-week virtual screening on July 30 in honor of United Nations Day of Trafficking in Persons and in partnership with Theatrical-At-Home.

Screenings of Pearl Gluck’s “The Turn Out” — which shines a light on trafficking at truck stops — will benefit eight organizations that support survivors of trafficking across the country.

Set in Southern Appalachia, the film is written and cast with survivors of trafficking and truck drivers. It tells the story of moral dilemma and personal connection with trafficking. The film screened at festivals internationally and won awards such as Best Debut Feature at the Female Eye Film Festival.

Virtual tickets for the screening cost $8 and viewers will have the opportunity to choose the organization that receives their contribution.

Each of the organizations that benefit from the virtual screenings were involved in aspects of the research, production and screenings of “The Turn Out.” National organizations include The SOAP Project, which puts soap bars in motels and hotels with information about how to report trafficking, and Survivor’s Ink, which aids survivors in removing or covering up brandings and tattoos. The others provide local support, including legal services, job training and transitional housing in Ohio, Indianapolis and New York.

“This is an opportunity to give back to so many of these organizations that helped me understand the reality of trafficking in the United States,” said Gluck. “Because so many of these organizations are run by survivors, they truly appreciate every aspect of people’s needs as they continue to build their lives up from scratch, and on their own terms.”

Gluck is an associate professor of film production in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications. She continues to create opportunities for her students to complete internships associated with the distribution and outreach of the film, including researching educational institutions, law enforcement training and survivor support.

A question-and-answer session will follow the opening night screening featuring Gluck, elected officials and several people battling to stop trafficking. Free registration for that event may be completed online.

Theatrical-At-Home partners with theaters and organizations to allow viewers to watch entertainment from home anywhere in the United States and Canada.

Last Updated June 2, 2021