Arts and Entertainment

Next ‘Conversations LIVE’ to offer gardening tips and tricks

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – April showers bring May flowers, and May flowers bring the start to gardening season.

On the next installment of WPSU-TV’s "Conversations LIVE," horticulture educators Tom Butzler and John Esslinger will provide expert tips on how to best spring into summer gardening. Butzler and Esslinger will join veteran host Patty Satalia for the discussion.

"Conversations LIVE: Get Your Garden On!" will air at 8 p.m. Thursday, May 15, on WPSU-TV, WPSU-FM, WQLN-TV in Erie and online at The 60-minute show is interactive, taking viewers’ phone calls, emails and questions via Twitter. Viewers can join the conversation by calling 800-543-8242 during the show, emailing or tweeting @WPSU with #WPSUConversations.

Butzler is a horticulture extension educator in Clinton County with the majority of his responsibilities in vegetable production. He also developed Penn State Extension’s first online beekeeping course, Beekeeping 101.

Esslinger is also a horticulture educator, working with Penn State Extension in northeastern Pennsylvania since 1995. He focuses on the topics of fruit, vegetable and greenhouse production.

Last Updated January 9, 2015
