Arts and Entertainment

Penn State professor's film to be released on DVD, digital download

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- After an extremely successful festival run, Tarantula Entertainment announced the release of "The Pact," for purchase on and on May 11. The release will be in conjunction with its final festival screening at the Northern Voyage Film Festival in Brookings, S.D.

Penn State professor of theatre, Matthew Toronto wrote directed and produced "The Pact" with his brother Aaron. The cast and crew include an array of Penn State alumni and faculty as well as local actor Jordan Toronto, Matthew’s wife.

"The Pact" is a smart comedy about two brothers, who swear off women for a year. Their pact holds them under an almost magical spell as they take turns trying but failing to break it. The story is based on a real pact the Toronto Brothers made in their college years.

The comedy won Best Feature & People's Choice at The Wet Your Pants Comedy Film Festival, Best of Fest at The South Dakota Film Festival, Audience Favorite at The Black Hills Film Festival, Best Feature at The American International Film Festival (December 2011), Best Comedy at The New Hope Film Festival, Best Ensemble Cast at the Best Actors in a Film Festival and the Bronze Palm at The Mexico International Film Festival. One of the film’s stars, Jordan Toronto, won best actress at the NYC Independent Film festival. "The Pact" was an official selection at the Philadelphia Independent, Hoboken International, Buffalo Niagara and a dozen other festivals.

The film will be available for download and on DVD. For more information and to watch the trailer, go to, find "The Pact" on Facebook at or follow @PactMovie on Twitter.

Last Updated May 7, 2013
