What's happening at Penn State? Here's a look at some of the cultural events taking place at the University this weekend and in the coming week:
"Argonautika" — Oct. 24-Nov. 3, Pavilion Theatre. Penn State Centre Stage presents a modern take on "The Voyage of Jason and the Argonauts."
"A (mild) Tribute to Halloween" — 7:30 p.m., Oct. 26, Playhouse Theatre. The Penn State Mallet Ensemble and Percussion Ensemble I will perform. Free.
"Straight Outta Philly" — 7:30 p.m., Oct. 27, Eisenhower Auditorium. Philadanco and Rennie Harris Puremovement, two of Philadelphia's premier African-American dance companies, will represent the City of Brotherly Love with a collaborative performance.
"The Many Faces of Intercultural Dialogue" — 2:30-4 p.m., Oct. 26, Pattee Library. Intensive English Communication Program international students and their Penn State student partners will share posters about what they have learned about each other and their respective cultures during their conversation partner program. Free.
"Light the Night" — 7 p.m., Oct. 26, Old Main lawn. An illuminated visual display in honor of victims and survivors of domestic and relationship violence. Free.
Hawaiian Luau: Tropical cuisine from the islands — Oct. 26, Cafe Laura, Mateer Building. Students in HM 430 Advanced Food Production and Service Management prepare a series of themed dinners throughout the semester to be served in the student-run Cafe Laura restaurant. Reservations required.
"Check Your Blind Spots" — Noon-4 p.m., Oct. 27, HUB-Robeson Center. Students can participate in an immersive experience to examine unconscious bias. The event will feature videos, quizzes and other activities to learn about diversity and inclusion on campus and in the workplace. Free.
Trick or Treat Night — 2-4 p.m., Oct. 29, Penn State All-Sports Museum. Student-athletes will hand out candy as visitors walk through the museum's galleries. The event will also feature games, prizes and light refreshments. Free.
"Look & See: A Portrait of Wendell Berry" — 7 p.m., Nov. 1, State Theatre, State College. A free screening of the awarding-winning Sundance documentary of Wendell Berry — farmer, activist and one of America's most significant living writers. Free.
The Melting Point: Where Fire and Ice Collide — Nov. 1, Cafe Laura, Mateer Building. Students in HM 430 Advanced Food Production and Service Management prepare a series of themed dinners throughout the semester to be served in the student-run Cafe Laura restaurant. Reservations required.
Tuscany to Sicily: A gastronomic journey — Nov. 2, Cafe Laura, Mateer Building. Students in HM 430 Advanced Food Production and Service Management prepare a series of themed dinners throughout the semester to be served in the student-run Cafe Laura restaurant. Reservations required.
Research Unplugged — 12:30 p.m., Oct. 26, Schlow Centre Region Library, State College. Sasha Meinrath, Palmer Chair of Telecommunications, will present "Hacking in the 21st Century: Data Integrity in an Era of Cyber Siege." Free.
Sustainability Showcase — Noon, Oct. 27, third floor, Life Sciences Bridge. Bryan McDonald, associate professor of history, will present "Intersection of Security, Food Systems and Climate." Free.
"The Challenge of Building a National Museum" — 7 p.m., Nov. 1, Freeman Auditorium, HUB-Robeson Center. Lonnie G. Bunch III, historian, author, curator, educator and founding director of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture in Washington, D.C., will be featured. Free.
"Big Data and Fake News: Training Computers and Humans to Detect Misinformation by Combining Computational and Theoretical Analysis" — 1:30 p.m., Nov. 2, 233A HUB-Robeson Center. Dongwon Lee, associate professor in Information Sciences and Technology, and S. Shyam Sundar, distinguished professor in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, will discuss how their research on how machine learning may help to detect "fake news." Free.
"The Partisan Brain: The Science of Communication about Controversial Science" — 4:30 p.m., Nov. 2, Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library. Erik Nisbet, associate professor of communication, environmental policy and political science at Ohio State, will discuss the intersection of science and politics. Free.
2017 Steven and Janice Brose Distinguished Lecture Series — Nov. 2-4, Foster Auditorium, Pattee Library. Stephen Berry, Gregory Professor of the Civil War Era at the University of Georgia, will present three lectures on "The Death of Investigators: Coroners, Quants and the Birth of Death as We Know It." Free.
"Field to Front: Nittany Lions at War, 1917-1919" — April 23, 2017-April 30, 2018, the Penn State All-Sports Museum. The exhibit chronicles the contributions of Nittany Lion lettermen during World War I and follows their service from training in the U.S. to fighting in France and Italy. Free.
"Asher B. Durand: To Begin Again" — Sept. 5-Dec. 10, Palmer Museum of Art. This exhibit focuses on the early career of this leading artist of the Hudson River School. Free.
"BIG Deal: Sizeable Paintings" — Sept. 5-Dec. 17, Palmer Museum of Art. The museum showcases some of its monumental canvases from its permanent collection, many of which have not been on view in recent years. Free.
"Minna Citron after Atelier 17" — Sept. 5-Dec. 10, Palmer Museum of Art. Four decades of printmaking by artist Minna Citron. Free.
"The History of Pattee Library and Paterno Library" — Oct. 3, 2017-Jan. 15, 2018, Pattee Library. This exhibit chronicles the University Libraries' 162-year history at University Park campus. Free.
"Skinnydipping" — Oct. 12-Nov. 4, Woskob Family Gallery, 146 S. Allen St., State College. "Skinnydipping" is an exhibition of two- and three-dimensional work that explores what it means to be a young American today. Free.
"Keith Lemley: A Theory of Everything" — Oct. 26, 2017-Sept. 30, 2018, Woskob Family Gallery, 146 S. Allen St., State College. Penn State alumnus and artist Keith Lemley will craft a new work that combines maple and neon and unify them through geometry and form. Free.