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WPSU interactive screening, discussion to tackle controversial topics

"You Can't Say That" to offer an inside look at SOC 119 Race and Ethnic Relations

WPSU Penn State's "You Can't Say That" focuses on initiating conversations regarding race, religion, gender and ethnicity.  Credit: WPSU Penn State / Penn State. Creative Commons

Students and community members will have the opportunity to experience an inside look at Penn State’s Sociology 119, Race and Ethnic Relations— the popular course taught by Sam Richards — and offer their views on current societal issues during a simultaneous online screening and interactive discussion.

WPSU Penn State will help bring the conversation outside the classroom with “You Can’t Say That,” which focuses on initiating conversations regarding race, religion, gender and ethnicity. The online screening and interactive dialogue, which is open to the public, will take place at 8 p.m. Eastern time Thursday (April 9) at

Richards, who teaches sociology 119 as a senior lecturer for the College of the Liberal Arts at Penn State, and Laurie Mulvey, sociology lecturer for the College of the Liberal Arts and executive director and co-founder of the World in Conversation Center for Public Diplomacy at the University, will lead the discussion. More than 700 students regularly enroll in the course each semester.

Richards hopes the nature of the program and discussion will help expand the collaborative, critical thinking that occurs among students in the class, which focuses on societal issues surrounding current events. Recently, Richards has led discussions regarding events in Ferguson, Missouri; fraternity actions around the country; and new religious freedom laws in both Arkansas and Indiana.

In addition to the online screening, “You Can’t Say That” will air on WPSU-TV. A preview of the program is available at

Last Updated April 8, 2015
