Penn State Beaver hosted the STEM K’NEX Design Challenge, coordinated by the Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit, on April 9, in the campus gymnasium.
More than 115 students, grades four through eight, as well as teachers and judges from various area school districts and businesses, participated in the event. The Design Challenge featured a competition in which the students created and built a K’NEX structure that moved a ping-pong ball from one side of a table to the other, lengthwise, within a two-hour time frame. Students were judged on creativity, design, success, teamwork and their judge’s presentation.
School districts included Ambridge, Beaver, Blackhawk, New Brighton and Riverside, and judges were drawn from Beaver campus, Penn State Extension, Beaver County Career and Technology Center, Community College of Beaver County, the Franklin Center and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
For more information about the STEM K’NEX Design Challenge, contact the Beaver campus Office of the Chancellor at or 724-773-3553, or the Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit at 724-774-7800.