It is essential to build a strong mathematic and science foundation early in a student's education for a career in engineering or engineering technology. Project Lead The Way is a program that introduces middle- and high-school students to technology and engineering, and it's a program that the Penn State Berks-Lehigh Valley College is launching in our local communities. Today there are more than 1.3 million engineering and/or engineering technology jobs in the United States without trained people to fill the need. As baby boomers retire, the need for experts in the engineering field will only grow larger. Project Lead The Way is a program that hopes to help fill this growing need by getting students interested in these career areas early in their education. Project Lead the Way is a national program which forms partnerships among public and private schools, universities and colleges, and the private sector to increase the quantity and quality of high school students who want to pursue a career as engineers or engineering technologists. Currently, PLTW offers its program in 33 states from New York to California, with Penn State Berks-Lehigh Valley designated as the affiliate university for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To learn more about this program, visit
Project Lead the Way is Underway in PA
Last Updated March 19, 2009