
Brandywine Student Spotlight: Chas Katz

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Year: Second

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Involvement: Member, Student Government Association (SGA); member, THON

Brandywine: What was your deciding factor in coming to Penn State Brandywine?

Katz: I wanted to go to a college that was close to home and had a hometown feel. I really get that hometown feel being at Brandywine since the campus is right down the street from my house. I didn't want to go to a big school straight out of high school and feel overwhelmed. Brandywine allows me to get that smaller school feel, and then when I’m ready, I can go up to University Park and continue my major.

Brandywine: How did you choose your major?

Katz: I’ve always loved physics and math, so I knew I wanted to go into engineering. I've always dreamed of either being a pilot or working on airplanes, so that's why I went the aerospace route.

Brandywine: What challenges have you faced at Brandywine, if any?

Katz: My classes have been tough. I’m taking a lot of STEM classes, so it’s a big course load, but there are a lot of people around to help you. A lot of the instructors are very nice. People are very willing to help you out here. It’s a good challenge, but there are a lot of resources that provide you with a lot of the help that you need, so you do succeed.

Brandywine: Who at Brandywine has supported you, and how?

Katz: I would say one of my big supporters was definitely Professor (Megann) Hedgecock (lecturer in engineering). Last semester, she introduced me to engineering through my first engineering course. I knew I wanted to do something with math and physics and everything, but I wasn’t sure if engineering was right for me. She introduced me to it in such a simple and interesting way that I fell in love with the concept of engineering and helping others with my work. I would say she’s had a big impact on my schooling so far.

Brandywine: What made you interested in joining SGA? What do you enjoy most about it?

Katz: I was involved with student government in high school. I was president for two years, and I was a member for all four years, so I knew I wanted to continue that path in college. I got involved immediately as I stepped on campus. It’s a lot different from student government in high school, but I really like the difference. It’s more grown up, to say the least. You’re voting on things and you’re more proactive. I love that part of SGA, and that's the reason I got involved.

Brandywine: What made you interested in joining THON? What do you enjoy most about it?

Katz: I’ve known about THON ever since I was little. My mom is a Penn Stater and my sister’s a Penn Stater, so they’ve always talked about THON. When I got on campus, they told me, “You have to join, see what it's like and have the experience.” That’s really why I joined, and ever since I’ve loved it. We went up to University Park for THON this past weekend, and it was such a great experience. I’ve enjoy the fundraising we’ve done for THON. It’s a lot of work, but I’ve really enjoyed my experience.

Brandywine: What advice do you have for students who are looking to get involved?

Katz: Just do it. We have the Student Involvement Fair at the beginning of each semester. Sign up for a club you’re interested in. We recently had two new members join THON and even though we’re so close to the end of the year for THON, we’re still welcoming people. All the clubs on campus are very nice and open to having new members, so you just have to do it. Just ask people and get involved.

Brandywine: With your involvement at Brandywine, how has your time on campus been impacted?

Katz: During my first semester, I spent a lot of my time at home. I came to campus for classes and then left. Ever since I got involved, I enjoyed my time a lot more. I’m making more friends and making more connections. I like having those connections on campus where you just walk around, you see someone you know, and you say hi. It means a lot. It’s helped me branch out and expand my network.

Brandywine: What's your favorite memory you've made at Brandywine?

Katz: I would have to say the Luxury Bag Bingo was my favorite memory. I had a lot of fun that night. I was playing four bingo cards at once, and I was working the event too, but I really enjoyed it. I loved it.

Brandywine: What has been the most valuable lesson you've learned at Brandywine?

Katz: The most valuable lesson I’ve learned is the importance of teamwork and working with others. I’m involved with clubs where the members are all working together to get things done. Everyone who’s involved at Brandywine works together in some capacity. If you’re not part of a club, it doesn’t mean you can’t help out. So many people on campus come together to help support THON. Khalid Jordan, a third-year student here, helped us emcee THON’s Luxury Bag Bingo. He’s not even part of THON, but he was eager to help. We’re all one big team here at Brandywine. It's like one big community.

Last Updated February 20, 2024