Major: Biology
Year: First
Involvement: Co-vice president of Sustainability Club; intern at the Center for Social Impact; undergraduate researcher for Distinguished Professor of Earth Sciences Laura Guertin
Brandywine: Why did you choose Penn State Brandywine?
Catalano: Well, there were a couple of different things that factored into my decision of choosing Penn State Brandywine. I think one of the main ones is I'm the eldest of five siblings. They're all in middle school and high school now, and I still wanted to stay in their lives. Penn State Brandywine is close to them — it's only an hour away from where I live, so I can go visit them on the weekends.
Brandywine: How did you choose your major?
Catalano: I've just always enjoyed biology. I loved my advanced placement biology class in high school. I also love marine science, and one of the things that I'm considering doing with a biology degree is going into marine science.
Brandywine: What challenges have you faced at Brandywine, if any?
Catalano: Well, I think I've been fortunate enough to not face any really difficult challenges, but I’ve faced some challenges with just getting adjusted to college and having to learn to live in a dorm and with a roommate. More academically, a challenge that I faced when I first came here was, I really wanted to get involved in undergraduate research, and I needed to find a professor that would take me on. Professor Guertin took me on to do undergraduate research with her. It’s been really nice.
Brandywine: How has Penn State Brandywine supported you, and who at Brandywine has supported you the most?
Catalano: I think that there are so many people that have supported me at Penn State Brandywine. Vippy Yee (former Rosenberg director for the Center for Social Impact) was a major supporter when she was at Brandywine, and Professor Guertin has been a great supporter as well. She's served as my mentor, helping me figure out what I want to do within biology and how I want to interact with ocean science.
Brandywine: What made you interested in getting involved at the Center for Social Impact?
Catalano: On my second day of college, I volunteered at the Tyler Arboretum to build a path for their butterfly exhibit. While I was there, Vippy told me about the Center. I wanted to get involved in the community and give back, and I thought getting involved with the Center was an excellent way to do that.
Brandywine: What are you currently working on at the Center?
Catalano: I do a lot of stuff with the food pantry. So right now, I'm working on increasing the inventory of the food pantry. Another student at the Center, Benjamin Keller, and I are working on getting recently expired food from the cafeteria put into the food pantry — food that can’t be sold anymore but is still safe to eat.
Brandywine: What projects and events have you taken part in for the Center? Which one was your favorite and why?
Catalano: I've done a lot of stuff with the Center. One of the more frequent events that I help run is the voter registration drives. But I think that my favorite was probably leading a TEDx Circle with Gracie Guerin. I think the reason why that was my favorite event is just because I got to really focus on something that I'm passionate about, which is conservation. It helped me blend both my work and also my interest in marine science.