Name: Jessica Gore
Major: Biology
Year: Second
Involvement: President of the Multicultural Club, president of Nittany Christian Fellowship, president-elect of the Student Government Association, secretary of the Pre-Med Club, resident assistant, Brandywine Events and Activities Support Team (BEAST)
Brandywine: How did you choose Penn State Brandywine?
Gore: I grew up in Trinidad and Tobago. In the Caribbean, U.S. schools aren’t promoted as much as they should be. It was really a choice of my own where I wanted to have that “American dream” and pursue medicine. Penn State is also a renowned university and highly spoken of in the Caribbean. A lot of people in Trinidad attended Penn State. I really admired the school itself. When I got in, I was excited, but in terms of Brandywine, it was somewhat of a random selection. When I got accepted, I thought it would be a great idea to attend Brandywine. I have an aunt who lives in Delaware, and I felt having a family member close by would be great.
Brandywine: Have you faced any challenges at Brandywine?
Gore: I would call this a minor challenge, but it was pretty hard making friends because a lot of people did not understand my accent. It was kind of hard integrating myself, but then I joined all these clubs and was able to fit right in.
Brandywine: Did you have any challenges transitioning to college in general?
Gore: Transitioning to college was difficult because it was not only a transition into college, but also transition into a different country. I was not familiar with the area at all. It was also hard for me to understand people because of the accent, that barrier. The food was different from back home. I was born in the U.S. but moved to Trinidad when I was 2. I guess culture-wise, that would be one of the biggest challenges because I spent my entire life in Trinidad.