Year: Third
Major: Business
Option: Marketing
Involvement: Treasurer, Student Government Association (SGA); student-athlete, Brandywine’s cross-country team
Brandywine: What was your deciding factor in coming to Penn State Brandywine?
Ollis: I really liked Brandywine’s location. I live less than an hour away, so it’s close to home, but still far enough away that I can be independent. I also really like how the campus is small and doesn’t have too many buildings — you can’t get lost here.
Brandywine: How did you choose your major?
Ollis: I want to pursue a career in sports business or sports marketing, so I decided that I should go down the business path and focus on marketing. Also, my brother was a marketing major when he was in college, so I decided to take that path as well.
Brandywine: Who at Brandywine has supported you, and how?
Ollis: Pretty much all the staff here have been so supportive. They’re so easy to talk to. It’s also so easy to get that one-on-one with faculty and staff here because of how small the campus is, so I feel like I get more support that way. Also, all my friends have been so supportive during my time here. Jessica Gore, a fourth-year student here and president of SGA, actually pushed me to get involved when I became friends with her; she’s been very supportive.
Brandywine: What has been your greatest accomplishment at Brandywine so far?
Ollis: I think my biggest accomplishment so far has been being treasurer for SGA. That was a big step for me because I haven’t been very involved in previous years, so it’s really helped me put myself out there.
Brandywine: What made you interested in joining SGA and joining its executive board? What do you enjoy most about it?
Ollis: When I first became friends with Jessica last year, she told me to attend SGA meetings. So, I started going to the meetings and slowly started to get involved. I also had the chance to attend a Council of Commonwealth Student Governments meeting at the end of last year at University Park, where I got to meet student leaders from all the Commonwealth Campuses, and that made me want to get more involved. I thought that being a part of SGA and getting to make an impact on campus would be really fun, so I decided to apply for an executive board position.
My favorite part about being in SGA is having an impact on the campus. It’s great to see events we plan and different initiatives we create come to life. It’s a very rewarding experience.