Campus Life

Box, Yammer, other services unavailable due to nationwide outage

Credit: Angela Kendall / Penn State. Creative Commons

Penn State students, faculty and staff members are experiencing issues connecting to various external websites and cloud-based vendor services, including Box, Yammer, Crocodoc and Microsoft Online. The disruptions are not specific to Penn State and are caused by an ongoing Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack affecting the United States and areas of Europe.

A DDoS attack is a common method of digital assault in which websites are intentionally flooded with so much traffic that normal service is impaired. While these types of attacks cause disruptions accessing online sites and services, Penn State community members do not need to take any additional precautions to secure their online accounts, passwords or information.  

There are reports the nationwide outage has also affected Netflix, Twitter, Spotify, Etsy and a host of other sites and services.

Penn State technical staff and the IT Service Desk (814-865-4357) are aware of this issue and can provide limited assistance until the issues are resolved by external vendors.

Ongoing updates will be shared at


Last Updated October 26, 2016