Campus Life

CATA to temporarily suspend some bus routes starting Sept. 20

The Centre Area Transportation Authority has announced that service on the N, R, V, W and HM routes will drop to hourly Monday through Saturday after 7 p.m. starting Monday, Oct. 4. Credit: Centre Area Transportation Authority. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Centre Area Transportation Authority (CATA) has announced that it is temporarily suspending its CATABUS F (Pine Grove), G (Gray’s Woods) and S (Science Park) routes, effective Monday, Sept. 20, due to staffing shortages. Additionally, service on the K Route (Cato Park) will end at approximately 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, also beginning Sept. 20.

Additional changes in service frequency will occur Monday, Oct. 4, when P Route (Boalsburg) service will end at approximately 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and service on the N, R, V, W and HM routes will drop to hourly Monday through Saturday after 7 p.m. Adjusted timetables will be available as they are finalized at

Those affected by these service changes are encouraged to contact CATA’s Customer Service Center at 814-238-2282 to discuss transportation needs and possible alternatives.

Additional details about CATA’s announced service changes can be found here.

Last Updated September 13, 2021