UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Information Technology will upgrade Windows 7 classroom and lab computers to Windows 10 between Monday, Aug. 14, and Monday, Aug. 21 — the end of the summer sessions and prior to the start of the fall semester.
At University Park, upgrades to computers in general-purpose classrooms and labs managed by Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) will occur overnight between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. when the rooms are closed. Visit to view the specific availability of a classroom or lab location.
Faculty at University Park who require new or existing classroom- or lab-specific software installed on general-purpose classroom or lab computers should submit a request at no later than Monday, June 26, to allow sufficient time to ensure compatibility with Windows 10.
Computers not managed by TLT in the colleges and at the campuses will be upgraded on a schedule set by those respective locations. A complete list of computers and locations, and the units that support them, is available at Faculty and staff should contact their local IT staff with any questions or requests for the non-TLT managed computers.
IT Training Services will offer Windows 10 training for faculty and staff. To find available training dates, search the Learning Resource Network at or call Training Services at 814-863-9522. For additional questions regarding the upgrade, fill out a support request at