While some construction projects are not taking place in the core of campus, they do impact faculty, staff, students, commuters and community members. Projects occurring on the University Drive extension and Big Hollow Road areas are prime examples.
Utility work for the Data Center and Water Treatment Plant will cause road closures along both the University Drive extension and Big Hollow Road. However, access to all parking lots will be maintained and via alternate routes if necessary. Drivers, pedestrians and cyclists are asked to obey all road closure signs and take a different route.
Construction on the Data Center began in mid-April with an expected completion date of June 2016. Crews have finished both the excavation of the site, as well as the 3-foot concrete slab foundation. A crane is on site and steel erection will begin before the end of June.
Also under construction in that area is the Water Treatment Plant. The two-story facility has been designed to treat for both current and future concerns for the water supply with technology including the microfiltration for bacterial and protozoan removal treatment, nanofiltration for softening and removal of future contaminants of concern and granular activated-carbon treatment for removal of chemical contamination. Completion of the Water Treatment Plant is set for fall 2016.
Also this week, parking and traffic will be restricted in several areas:
- The sections of Lot Brown A located near Willard Building and Electrical Engineering East will be closed from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, June 16, through Tuesday, June 23, to allow material delivery and a crane lift as part of the ongoing renovations to Steidle Building. All vehicles must be removed from these parking areas before 7 a.m. each day. Any vehicles remaining in the lot after 7 a.m. will not be able to exit the lot until after 3 p.m. For more information, go to Transportation Services.
- A lane restriction will be in place on Curtin Road between Shortlidge Road and Bigler Road from approximately 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. today (June 15) and Wednesday, June 17, to allow a tractor trailer to make deliveries. Click here for more information.
For a map of all the various construction and renovation projects taking place at University Park, check the Office of Physical Plant’s construction map.