Campus Life

Coronavirus FAQ: Can visitors still come to campus?

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Limiting the density of our on-campus population reduces the chances of incidental contact that spreads illness. To further reduce the chances of exposure, we have developed protocols to limit public access to campus buildings. Units are strongly encouraged to continue to engage with visitors remotely whenever possible. Click here for full guidance on bringing visitors to campus, including guidelines for individual visitors, group events, employee travel between campuses and hiring. 

Employees wishing to have a non-employee visit campus for any period of time must first make a request to their unit executive and are strongly encouraged to consult with Risk Management and the Office of General Counsel prior to the visit. These individuals may not meet the definition of a Visiting Scholar (guidance about Visiting Scholars is available here). Examples of visitors include, but are not limited to, those wishing to audit a class, those wishing to participate in a meeting in person, invited speakers, guest lecturers/speakers in a class, or research collaborators making a short-term visit. The request to the unit executive should include where the visitor is traveling from, why the interaction cannot take place virtually, and the length of the proposed visit. When reviewing requests, unit executives should give attention to the locations from which visitors are traveling and the COVID-19 rates in those locations.

Students are reminded that guests are not allowed in any on-campus residence hall, due to COVID safety rules.

Visitors must comply with all COVID-19 health and safety guidelines during travel and while on campus. An individual’s vaccine status does not impact their obligation to adhere to these guidelines.

For the answer to this question, as well as other frequently asked questions, go to

Last Updated April 2, 2021