Campus Life

Dozens impacted by devastating fire; here’s how you can help

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A three-alarm fire Wednesday (April 20) in an off-campus apartment building along Blue Course Drive in Ferguson Township has displaced 48 students and many others who are non-student residents. Penn State is working to help house and assist students who need help with shelter, clothing, classes and other essential issues before the end of the spring semester.Smoke and water damage was expected throughout the building and many students lost everything. The University has set up a fund to help these students through the remainder of the semester.How can I help?If you would like to donate and do not need a Penn State tax receipt, please stop by the Associated Student Activities (ASA) office on the second floor of the HUB-Robeson Center, Room 240. Only cash or check can be accepted. You will need to complete a deposit slip (available at ASA) referencing Barnes and Noble Student Emergency Fund, ASA account #9024. If you need assistance filling out this form, please see one of the full-time staff members on duty.If you are interested in making a donation by credit card or require a Penn State tax receipt, you will need to work with the Office of University Development (OUD). Please contact Andrea Pagano-Reyes at 814-865-7698 for assistance.To make an online credit card donation, go to and follow these instructions:

  • Under University-Wide, choose “Other (specify in Comments box)”

  • Click “Next."

  • In the “Gift Information” section, enter the amount of the gift in both amount boxes.

  • In the line “If you selected 'Other'" please enter: Barnes & Noble Student Emergency Fund ASA#9024

  • Complete the remainder of the form. Be sure to select the corporate credit card box should this apply to your gift.

Last Updated April 18, 2017