Campus Life

Drivers reminded of blind pedestrian right-of-way law as Summer Academy begins

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Beginning Saturday, July 14, through Friday, Aug. 3, Penn State will host the 2018 Summer Academy, a program designed to assist blind and visually impaired students with the transition to college life, with a focus on campus mobility. Approximately 25 students from across Pennsylvania will attend the program and stay in on-campus housing.

Drivers on campus are reminded of their obligation to yield the right-of-way (slow down and prepare to stop) to blind pedestrians, whether they have a white cane or a guide dog, or are being led by others. Drivers are urged to exercise caution on the road to keep Summer Academy students — and all pedestrians — safe.

For more details on Pennsylvania law as it pertains to yielding the right-of-way to blind pedestrians, visit

For more information on the 2018 Summer Academy, contact Student Disability Resources by phone at 814-863-1807.

Last Updated July 9, 2018