One of the topics covered by Denice Wardrop, director of Penn State's Sustainability Institute, at a Dec. 16 public meeting of the Commission for Women, was the Sustainability Institute's Reinvention Fund. This fund encourages deeper cross-disciplinary and holistic sustainability capacity across the entire University.
When asked how the Sustainability Institute assesses Reinvention Fund projects, Wardrop answered, "Normally, when Penn State assesses the success of seed grants, we do it in the classical research way — we only give you a little money because you are going to go get a lot of money later, for example, from grants. The Reinvention Fund is saying, ‘No, no, no. That is not the only return! What about the environmental benefits and social benefits that we call natural capital?'
"Have you ever had the experience where you think you are the only one caring about something and then, oh my gosh, you find your tribe? So much of the social capital that came from those projects was that people, all of a sudden, found out where their tribe was and they were connected. That’s where I want to be investing some of this money, because that just has a longer life. That is so important."