Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to share their opinions on a potential bike share program at University Park by participating in a survey for Transportation Services. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and responses will be accepted through Wednesday, April 1.
Bike share programs provide shared-use bicycles to individuals for a very limited period of time, and typically allow pickup and return at multiple locations. Participation in most bike share programs requires a paid membership to cover the costs of purchasing, maintaining and replacing the bicycles, as well as other expenses related to operating the service.
Penn State Transportation Services continues to explore viable means of alternative transportation for employees and students that advocate sustainability and healthy living. This survey will help to determine which type of bike share program, if any, would best suit the needs of the University community.
If there are any questions about the survey, contact the University Parking Office by phone at 814-865-1436 or by email at parking@psu.edu.