Campus Life

KLIO multimedia arts journal invites submissions from Penn State community

Credit: KLIO. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Members of the Penn State community interested in the creative arts are invited to submit creative writing, visual arts, music, film or performing arts materials to KLIO, Penn State's online, multimedia creative arts journal.

Like its sister print journal Kalliope, KLIO publishes traditional creative writing and visual art intended for the page, but also aims to share digital and cross-disciplinary works, including performance art, music, dance and film, online.

Interested in challenges? Submit to the Ekphrasis Challenge, where art is responded to with art, and get featured on KLIO.

Those who speak multiple languages and looking to submit creative writing, can submit to KLIO in translation. KLIO is looking for diverse works that represent all communities.

Submissions are now open until April 2. Visit the KLIO website to learn more and submit creative works.

Last Updated March 20, 2023