Campus Life

'Learning from A.E. Bye and John Hejduk' exhibit and panel discussion

Credit: Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa -- At 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, Penn State's Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture will host a panel discussion, exhibition opening, and reception. The event is free and open to the public.

The exhibit, titled "Learning from A.E. Bye and John Hejduk, Reseeing the Bye Wall House as Landscape," is co-curated by Thaisa Way, associate professor of landscape architecture at the University of Washington, and Ron Henderson, FASLA, professor of landscape architecture and Asian studies at Penn State. 

The exhibit includes archival and student works, and explores the unique synthesis of landscape and architecture in "Wall House," the home that architect John Hedjuk designed for landscape architect A.E. Bye (whose archive of works is held in the special collections of the Penn State Libraries).

The exhibit opening discussion will be moderated by Thaisa Way. Panelists include Peggy Deamer, assistant dean and professor of architecture at the Yale School of Architecture, Ted Ceraldi, award-winning architect, instructor, and artist, and Peter Lynch, visiting professor of architecture and Eleanor R. Stuckeman Chair in Design at Penn State.

Panel DiscussionTime/Date: 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 14. Reception to followLocation: Stuckeman Family Building Jury Space, University Park campus of Penn State

ExhibitionDates: April 15 to May 14Location: Stuckeman Family Building Rouse Gallery, University Park campus of Penn State

Last Updated April 13, 2015